Tukios Tribune

New Free Website Coaching

Written by Ben Ferney | Oct 7, 2022 6:11:52 PM

We’re excited to announce the creation of a NEW Website Coaching Service! We’re grateful for the confidence you have in us and want to make sure we are providing the best services possible. 


In order to do this, we have identified this FREE website coaching experience as an essential service to strengthen your website and our partnership. It’s an opportunity for you to speak one-on-one with our team about your website’s performance, traffic, engagement, changes, product updates and so much more.


These coaching sessions are designed to ensure your website is making a difference while maintaining the look and feel of your funeral home. In order to maintain momentum on your websites, we want to have a coaching session with you once a quarter. After each session, our team will provide you with a report to summarize how your website is doing. 


This is another way we want to show how committed we are to you. Thank you for your partnership.


Our Account Managers will be reaching out to you when we are ready to launch!


Haven't gotten a chance to learn about our website platform? Click here to schedule a demo!