Tukios Tribune

NEW! QR Code Generator for Obituaries

Nov 1, 2022 1:16:52 PM / by Ben Ferney


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We're excited to share our NEW QR code generator for Obituaries! This makes the obituary more accessible to families by making it easy for you to share the obituary on funeral folios/programs.


After an obituary is published, this new feature will pop up with the other next steps (including emailing the family, sharing to social media, publishing to newspapers, and enrolling in aftercare). The QR code can be generated for the full obituary or just for the guestbook. 


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Tags: Obituary

Ben Ferney

Written by Ben Ferney

Ben Ferney is the Director of Marketing at Tukios, and is passionate about the way communication can bring people together. He also enjoys traveling and meeting new people.